Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Claire's First Birthday- Part 1

Well, it had to happen eventually.  Our baby girl is not a baby anymore.  She's been showing signs for weeks, but her birthday is what really sealed the deal for me.  Claire being Claire, though, one birthday was just not enough.  My girl got two parties to celebrate the end of babydom and the beginning of toddlerhood.

Claire's first celebration happened on her actual birthday.  She celebrated it in style, aboard her first cruise, on the NCL Pearl as it was leaving Ketchikan, AK.  We didn't intentionally plan for C's first birthday to be on a cruise, but in the end, it worked out beautifully because some of Patrick's family who live out of town got to celebrate it with us. Gramms, Pappy, Uncle Chris, Aunt Kristen, and cousin Madeline were all there for the festivities.  Here's Claire with her Aunt Kristen.  Wish we'd thought to get a picture of everyone.

When planning the cruise, I realized I was going to have to get creative to have a cake for C.  I found out that Ketchikan doesn't actually have a cake bakery, but thanks to my friend Google on the internet machine, I found out they had a grocery store.  A small contingent of us decided to trek out in the rain in the hopes of them having a cake.  I suppose I could have called ahead, but where's the fun in that?  A short 5 minutes later we were standing in front of a teeny grocery store.  My hopes weren't high.  Happily, Uncle Chris has eagle eyes and found this beauty for C:

Fun, right?  Claire sure seemed to like it.  Before we even finished singing she had her fingers in the frosting.

She licked the frosting off her finger for awhile before I smashed her hand into the cake to show her how it's done.  She's a quick study...

She was kind enough to share some with her cousin, Mebbers.

But mostly she had it just to herself.  I don't think she minded.

All in all, she seemed to enjoy her first birthday...

...but the fun wasn't quite done.  When we got back to our stateroom, our stewards Martin and Stewart had set this up for her on the bed.  Cool, right? And they didn't even know it was her birthday.  Sa-weet!

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